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Old 10-10-2011, 12:27 PM
toddfx toddfx is offline

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Originally Posted by Ravhin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Just wanted to say thanks for the rather cool and unique contributions to the wiki! I added a link on the mainpage to Poker Paintings [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] After all, wasn't exploring the crazy level of complexity in Norrath why some of us loved EQ so much in the first place?
Thanks for the kind words & the assistance on the wiki entries, Ravhin! I would never have entered all that without the help of your incredible entry generator, too.

The exploration and discovery factor is definitely what got me hooked on EQ back in '99 and continues to keep me going now. There is plenty I did not see/do back then, so i'm grateful to have that opportunity today.

Originally Posted by Extunarian [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I just wasted an hour reading that whole blog and now I have to stay after work. I'll be buying every oddball kind of beer I can find at my liquor store on my way home tonight.
Well sweet I'm glad to see somebody is reading it! Most of the time during my writing I sort of wondered if the site would see any traffic. And I definitely hear ya about wasting time at work...I did pretty much all of the wiki entries at work hah (shoot I better watch what I say...toddfx is the alias I use as my professional web presence as well!). Fortunately i've had a lot of down time at work waiting for renders over the last few weeks...

Originally Posted by Zigfreed [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The only point in terms of affecting game play I ever saw was that there was a LDON raid (F those raids btw..) where the boss had an AE that was largely canceled if you had 200 AT.
It's also impressive when somebody can fill the chat window with booze messages and still be typing coherently. I admit my tolerance is only about 50 or so, but talk to Leefy G about his....

Originally Posted by starspun [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
W-why does your (impressive) collection include Seahorse Roe? D:
That is a good question actually. I bought it during some ingredient hunting expedition and had never seen it before so I decided to hold onto it. It is used in future brewing but not sure if we will ever even see those recipes. Actually, I wonder if the item is even supposed to exist on this server? As far as I can tell, it is only used in Ocean Dye and Fizzy Odus Juice. Fizzy Odus Juice does not look classic to me but I have not investigated or tested.