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Old 10-15-2011, 11:46 PM
Darwoth Darwoth is offline

Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 614
Default basic outline of proper classic era resistances

1> snare/root/stun/blind and any spells with these effects as a secondary were highly resistable, at 100 mr there was a 90% chance to resist these, higher still and you eliminated them completely other than the default 2% or 5% chance to land.

2> mez was less resistable than the above, however at 100 mr you pretty much were not sticking one, this is why enchanters always began the fight with tash, and after landing one they were generally pretty effective. mana sieve was about the same as mez in terms of resistance.

3> all direct damage nukes without secondary effects such as a debuff, stun etc still hit for the majority of their damage even well past 150 resist. lets use starfire for an example, after the pvp damage nerf it does 410 on a full.

lets say i am fighting someone with 150 fr, 5 casts would have looked something like the following: 327, 352, 410, 286, 349

4> don't think you can partially resist a dot, if you can it didnt happen often enough to remember it, things like plague and ebolt resisted frequently because of the all/nothing aspect of the spells but still landed a lot as well, 115 poison resistance and ebolts would still hit me a good 60% of the time.

5> lifetaps, dispels, druid swarm line, damage shields, harm touches among others were simply not resisted in pvp.

6> on a related note ducking disrupts spells, this is important.

make the resistance system adhere to the above and you will be mostly in line with classic, folks will be generally happy and you will have a good starting point to tweak things further.