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Old 11-08-2011, 09:44 PM
bled12345 bled12345 is offline

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Posts: 239

Since i'm bored I thought i'd add some negatives too haha, since my post made ogre seem like the only way to go.

Being an ogre warrior was a HUGE pain in the ass sometimes. In dungeons with no shrink pots was unbelievabley shitty.

Also randomly getting ass raped by KOS NPC's I stumbled across and didn't expect really sucked. Like going through the tunnels in FP to get to the boat there is 1 super NPC who is KOS while none of the others are, shit like that was annoying and made multiple shitty CRs,

Another thing that sucks about ogre war's is having to go sooo far out of your way just to sell shitty dungeon loot, there are so few evil merchants around classic norrath its pretty gay.

Another thing that was pretty annoying was the bind points, good races get way more conveniant places to bind, like wfp for example. Ogres got oggok, grobb, and neriak. Neriak is ok for sol b, and grobb is good for guk, but both are so far away from anything else where as wfp is kind of a handy get to everywhere place.

When it comes to the actual FIGHTING part ogre is the way to go, when it comes to the other 90% of stuff like running to groups getting binds and all the other stuff that kills all your gametime ogre war is a fucking pain in the ass haha.

anyways hope that helped.

Bashndash - < > 50 ogre war
Dashnbash - < > 50 highelf mage
Flashndash - < > 28 woodelf rogue