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Old 01-13-2012, 12:54 PM
Rais Rais is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by Amelinda [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Triggered spawns:
Whoever hands their items into the ragefire human has triggered the encounter and their guild/raid force would receive the right to go first in that instance.

This rule would apply as well:

The hand in of the quest item triggers the initial mob and his death triggers the dragon. Both mobs belong to that force for 1 attempt or 20 minutes.

All other server rules STILL apply. Ninja looting is not tolerated, neither is training each other etc. Use common sense and don't be a jerk. Strive for the least GM involvement possible and try to work things out on your own. Remember: The burden of proof for violation of rules is on YOU. Don't petition with no proof of being trained and demand that the staff "check the logs".

I'm just going to throw this out there. Sometimes at the most random point in some raids the server has a tendency to make people lag out, or crash while zoning or whatever. We've seen it happen a good handful of times where you've had to help res people. Not to mention just sometimes,some how a train happens and wipes people. You or others aren't always around to watch this happen.

Ragefire is one of those that is a huge time sink and has way much more to do than killing 1 mob for him to spawn, there should be a special rule for him alone. I think the possibility of raid interference will rise if Ragefire would be allowed to be killed by a guild who didn't spawn him.

I think either allowing the person who handed in the pearl 2 tries to kill him, or just straight up allow the cleric/guild the chance to kill him how ever many times. I personally won't attack him at all if another guild failed, that's just too much work to only have 1 shot, regardless of the reasons why a raid may fail on him.

Because what happens if the log in server acts up again and drops people and they can't log back in for the fight? That guild will loose key members for the fight and good chance to lose it. Or a train happens as I'm 100% sure will happen since it happens at every other raid encounter. You guys aren't always there to see this. If you take this step by making it so the cleric guild or friends the only ones to kill him, the hassle of petitions, training,ksing, won't happen. Allowing that window open to do so, will allow it.

Of course someone may like to be funny and just spawn him and leave him up and claim he can't be killed just to grief people. Highly unlikely this would happen, but seems some people on this server would do such a thing. Then if that happens that could be an issue until a petition can be worked out. I would rather take that issue, over training, or killing someone else's ragefire and have it be delt with.

I'm not saying this for any guild, I'm saying it for the sanity of clerics on the entire server.
Last edited by Rais; 01-13-2012 at 01:06 PM..