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Old 01-19-2012, 03:37 PM
Dravingar Dravingar is offline

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Originally Posted by Autotune [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This rotation should not have been posted until it had run it's initial ib/tmo course and actually included everyone. People are too stupid to realize past their own interests.

First, there is nothing stopping anyone from breaking this, I agree. However, It most likely won't be IB or TMO fucking with each other. Thus, if a random from some guild comes to mess with another guild, you're going to see that guild get shit on by IB/TMO for making their collective lives harder (we do it to each other, don't think we won't do it to you).

Second, While I do agree Ninik deserves her epic more than most of the clerics on this server, I can understand the 'time invested' part. This pre-rotation of rotations will run it's course then all the other guilds can run in and start their own bullshit if they want (i'm sure it will happen).

So yeah, Taken, BDA, Divinity or any other guild could come in and start clicking IB or TMO's air, but what you're opening is going to be way worse than what you imagine. As you will effectively guarantee that your guild not get an epic as easy as you would have.

Aka, you idiots just don't know.
Jesus christ, I can't believe I am saying this but I agree 100% with stealin.