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Old 02-22-2012, 01:17 PM
Lazortag Lazortag is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Apr 2010
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There are two types of training. There's really obvious training, and less obvious training. No one is expecting the staff to have a magic crystal ball and be able to distinguish a non-obvious intentional train from an unintentional train. But with training illegal, the staff can easily police obvious trains (which tend to also be the worst ones). Even if their ability to police it is limited, people will still be deterred, meaning there will be less training. Since training is bad, making training illegal is good, because less of a bad thing is a good thing.
Project 1999 (PvE):
Giegue Nessithurtsithurts, 60 Bard <Divinity>
Starman Deluxe, 24 Enchanter
Lardna Minch, 18 Warrior

Project 1999 (PvP):
[50 (sometimes 49) Bard] Wolfram Alpha (Half Elf) ZONE: oasis