Thread: Game Mechanics: Strange Graphics and/or Latency issues?
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Old 03-12-2012, 04:54 AM
Arogarn Arogarn is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 145
Default Strange Graphics and/or Latency issues?

I've been playing on this server for several months now, and this issue has been consistent for the length of my play time on Red99, but I never noticed it on Blue99, VZ/TZ, or any of the other dozen emu servers I've played at one time or another.

Anyway, basically what will happen is I'll be with another player or group, and the other players on the screen will disappear, similar to as if I had gone linkdead. Sometimes it's just one player, sometimes it's all of them, but it isn't always all at once. The person is still there, can chat with me, and initiate trades with me, I just can't see them. it happens a lot when they sit down, and seems to break when they move.

Also may or may not be related, but when I cast a nuke, a lot of times I have to wait 3 - 4 seconds after the casting timer expires for the damage to register, at which point the mob makes up for lost time, and is already hitting me, instead of giving me a chance for a second spell while it runs.

Anyway, I've made sure all my graphics drivers were updated and everything, but I'm not sure what else to do. I've asked several people but no one else has encountered this, was wondering if you guys have heard of anything of this sort? Would reinstalling help, maybe?
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