Thread: Tip your Porter
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:58 AM
Vladigan Vladigan is offline

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Posts: 97
Default Tip your Porter

I always port for donations, but lately it seems like I am getting swarmed by "Hey man, I need a freebie, I'm broke" Then some level 50+ with pimped out gear stands in front of me, not tipping...

Or a guy who actually claimed to be penniless, then after making understand the stupidity of his claim, he tells me to go "be noble in real life"

Really not trying to R&F, but people please spread the word, time is money... If someone wants a free ride, take the boat, if not, determine how much plat you would pay to save your time running.... that is what you should tip.

When not on my druid I tip a minimum of 30pp. The exception to this rule was when I first started out, even then, I tipped 4-5 pp .. whatever I could....

In the end, I am always wiling to help the less fortunate, if they are the less fortunate... don't be cheap, it makes you look like a DB [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]