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Old 04-21-2012, 12:46 AM
Lazortag Lazortag is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Originally Posted by filthed5.0 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
i ran from u ? lol kid saw u twice in game , 1st time u kissed my ass at specs so i wouldnt kill u, second time u ran nonstop in LS and when bundy came u plugged,, anyone who has played this game knows me and knows you and guess who they will believe?
They would believe me because you're an untrustworthy troll. I didn't kiss your ass at specs, I was leveling there and I offered to share with you out of my own generosity. You weren't even in holo at the time, otherwise I would have dirtnapped you. As for you making me run in LS, grats you had like 5 people (it wasn't just you and Bundy, but honestly do you think any Bard could win outnumbered against another Bard? Be realistic). Every time I challenged you 1 on 1 or when we were both in the same zone, you ran or gated. It's interesting you quit due to a lack of pvp yet you made so many excuses for why you wouldn't pvp me.
Project 1999 (PvE):
Giegue Nessithurtsithurts, 60 Bard <Divinity>
Starman Deluxe, 24 Enchanter
Lardna Minch, 18 Warrior

Project 1999 (PvP):
[50 (sometimes 49) Bard] Wolfram Alpha (Half Elf) ZONE: oasis