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Old 04-27-2012, 02:30 AM
godbox godbox is offline
Fire Giant

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I know ur trying to be helpful but I wasnt complaining I was just cracking up at my series of badluck/bad choices
and ya I could leisurly work through the epic over a few days but like I said I had it in my head Im gonna do a big chunk all at once and literally didnt make any progress lol
but since this is forum ill rebut

eruds is bugged u cant get into it atm without a GM port (at this point all ur comments are derailed since how am I going to research how to adapt to this)
didnt want to wait for 30 min path cycle on the WK spirit so I brought ranger for that
Didnt want to spend literally hours running across the continents (since I at least needed to do the first step 3 times so far probly gonna need to do more if I cant get put back into eruds) and my play time in my head does not involve steering through zone after zone after zone or sitting on boats

Im glad epic is going swimmingly for u tho =P
Last edited by godbox; 04-27-2012 at 02:35 AM..