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Old 05-11-2012, 02:49 PM
jimthayner jimthayner is offline

Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 105
Default Playing off Load Balanced Internet Connections

I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan with the Army. I'm playing off the internet service we all chipped in to buy, and we're load balancing a satellite connection and an Afghan Telecom connection.

I've noticed a lot of difficulty logging in, I'm guessing because the server will be receiving packets from both Holland (from the satellite) and Afghanistan (from our Afghan telecom connection). Is there any way this can be corrected with an ip exemption? I know its an odd request for an IP exemption, but I can post a picture of me in full kit next to my MRAP with a sign saying "P1999 is for losers" or some other crap to prove I'm here.
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