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Old 06-10-2012, 05:39 PM
porigromus porigromus is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 225
Default Everquest Classic 2.0!

I hope after Velious these great team of coders and database admins decide to create Everquest Classic 2.0. Maybe it would run side by side of a new progressive authenticate classic option starting back at the original with no expansions. It would be cool when they do to take ideas from the community as well as their own and have votes on each custom change/addition. Below is my Everquest 2.0 changes/additions.

Everquest 2.0

- Custom AAs to define each class further

- Different method to engaging raid bosses to prevent monopolizing

* A random relic for each raid boss will be on the loot tables of ALL mobs the same level or a higher level of the raid mob with a very low drop rate (determined by developers). Once found, it will have a timer before it poofs of 12 hrs so they can't be collected up, and with one use on a raid boss to remove his enraged state so they can't be reused. Without item, raid mob will be unbeatable due to enraged state. They will also be able to be sold within the 12hr period. This gives the non-raider a chance at some loot/coin if they would like to sell their item within the 12hr period to a raid guild.

This means, raid guilds will have to play to have a chance at raid targets to obtain items to remove enraged states. The more you play, the more relics you get, the more raid mobs you get. Would be nice to get the drop rate down to a science of one for each raid boss being found every 1-2 weeks.

- Custom events/raids

* The same type of system as relics could be used for custom events/raids. Certain relics could be found that once turned into a NPC starts an event.

One could be "The Gnome Uprising". Once the relic is turned in to a gnome NPC outside of Akanon, all gnomes inside Akanon become "red" and aggressive for a certain time period. During this time, faction is changed to where you would not get normal faction hits but maybe get a plus faction with gnomes, for assisting them against this uprising. Also during this time some important gnomes in the rebelion's loot tables change as well as their strength, all going back to normal after the event.

- Class changes/game changes

* HP/Mana regen greater out of combat
* XP increased by great amounts when in a full group, given further incentive for full groups (Also when in a full group no class/race penalities in affect)
* Increase dungeon XP even more to encourage more play in difficult places
* Tweak each class to define them even further

- Gnome Auctions

* Allow players to place their items with a gnome auctioneer in Akanon for sell or maybe like the Bazaar allow the player to sell their wares on their character while away. Maybe allow this to happen in the EC zone.

It is fun to think of things you would do. Gosh I wish I could code!