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Old 06-19-2012, 12:56 PM
godbox godbox is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Dec 2011
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dont care what anyone says (in vanilla wow at least stopped at first expansion) instances were and still are great. they were well thought out required tactics and like any good video game had a nice gear reward at the end through several mini bosses and an instance boss. It wasnt just the same strat of single pull>mez add>slow>autoattack>afkheal repeat. Almost every part of a dungeon had 3-6 mobs to deal with at a time and the AI was much better so you had to think as you moved through dungeons.
And everything being soulbound meant you were always on equal playing field with people in your level range one person wasnt going to be amazingly better geared than somone else unless they had already put in the time to do quests and instances to get geared in that lvl bracket.
I like eq (obvy since i play here) but I like a dungeon crall any day over a campfest and ive only been in a dungeon crall group one time on p99 (dalnir) was fun.
Last edited by godbox; 06-19-2012 at 12:59 PM..