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Old 08-16-2012, 03:10 PM
Houdiny Houdiny is offline

Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by lawll [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So WoW's success has nothing to do with the amount of polish that no mmo game has ever seen. One of the most flexible game engines ever made that gets updated every expansion (looks nothing like it did back in 04). Huge amounts of 3rd party addons that's still has better support that any other mmo. So screw all the milestones that blizzard has met with WoW, I hate it because the got rid of they grind and went straight to the point. Also EQ is just a very unforgiving game. Raiding in WoW is wayy more complex then just tank and spank aoe fearing dragons. You seem very bias with blizzard/wow totally skipping over everything good it has done for the mmo world.
Oh I'm sure I am somewhat bias. I wont argue that. And I do think WoW has brought some great things to MMO's. I noted that. There are some great things that WoW has done. Their subscription numbers and longevity alone indicate that. I am not saying WoW is a bad game either. It's just easier for people to play. Pull up your map, run around grabbing the blinking quests, then go where the blinking tells you to so that you can complete said quest then follow the blink to turn it in.

It brought about a solo mentality that was not prevalent with EQ. Sure people in EQ solo'd but you had to be the right class. And even then it was conditional. Everything about WoW tailored to the casual gamer is all I'm saying. And I do think WoW has a lot to do with the good in MMO's. But it also has a LOT to do with the very bad in MMO's also. If I wanted to solo my way to max level on every character I started I wouldn't pay $15 a month to play an MMO. I would simply get a RPG off the shelf at Wal Mart. The true definition of the MMO is exactly what it stands for...massive mulltiplayer online. It's a bunch of people working together to accomplish things. Not running through grabbing every quest in sight and completing it like a mindless zombie.

The endless amounts of fly by night companies developing up half ass games. Everyone wants to get in the market because they see the money being made from WoW. You don't have people like Brad McQuaid pouring their visions into a game completely ignorant to the financial side. You get companies rushed by investors to get their product out and compete with WoW. And it always fails. And of course this isn't Blizzard and WoW's fault. It's the idiots who can't grasp what makes a business prosper.

A few friends of friends tried making a transition from WoW to many other games over the years. And it never lasts more than 2 days. They get sick and tired of adventuring around finding the NPC they are after. If it isn't spoon fed to them they give up. I enjoy running around exploring stuff. I like seeing the game the devs make for us. I like finding little things that a dev went the extra mile to create. And I will be the first to admit I am probably in the minority with that. But a lot of aspects of MMO's these days are overlooked because everything is so linear. Go here, do this, go there, do that. It's cheaper, easier to develop, and much quicker to make. And therefor to me simply not as good. If I want to take a group off the beaten path and exp somewhere nobody else does I should be able too.

And I'm no SoE fan boy either. I'm not tooting their horn by any means. I have my beefs with them as well. And I also like some of Blizzards games, and like them as a company. I just think a lot of WoW's popularity had to do with it being so easy a caveman can do it.

And on a last note, EQ raiding is more than just Dragons and fear. Should try life outside of Kunark/Velious. I ran into many many complicating strats along the way in EQ until I quit live. Sure at the beginning the strats were easy. But that was when MMO's were new. All of them started getting more complex. It wasn't like WoW created tough raiding. MMO industry evolving has done that.
Last edited by Houdiny; 08-16-2012 at 04:22 PM..