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Old 06-02-2010, 11:16 AM
Branaddar Branaddar is offline

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Join Date: May 2010
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Posts: 130

No doubt, Talu. I think it's fair to say the devs shouldn't announce anything until the situation arises. As you said, it'll do no benefit.

It's still fun to brainstorm a bit, though. Maybe give them some ideas.

Rollback is a decent idea. Would just suck to come into the server close to the rollback :P
Branaddar - Barby Shaman
Talinor - High Elf Pally
Razormaw - Iksar Monkey-to-be

ex-Tholuxe Paells player

If I spent half as much time playing as forum-ing, I'd be 50 by now.