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Old 12-01-2012, 06:36 PM
Galelor Galelor is offline

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Originally Posted by Frieza_Prexus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not necessarily. It's always going to involve a mathematical analysis. Keep in mind that CHs are not unlimited, and in a raid situation post-Velious, the manapools of the clerics will matter greatly. An increase in AC might lower a mobs average DPS more so that the speed at which the CH rotation fires slows resulting in a long term savings of mana. That said, if you're fighting a mob that's likely to hit for maximum damage very often, then HPs will likely come out ahead. Only at the extreme ends of the spectrum will it be cut and dry. Much of the middle is a balancing test to find a happy medium between the diminishing returns of AC versus +hp.
I'm with you for all classes less warriors. I was thinking even more about this, and I remember the dozens of AoW fights. Lots of rounds hitting for full damage, and HP was flat out required. The low HP tanks would get 1 rounded. I seem to remember some NToV fights being the same way. Velious is the land of CH chain tanking...