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Old 12-27-2012, 02:00 PM
Kief Kief is offline

Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 187

troriste and his crew of cheating fuckturds are what killed the pvp back at the end of December. Pop was down to like 175 peak and it was clear they could cheat all day and not be held accountable. Now it is shown it was because tror and co. were paying Amelinda and probably pay rogean too...tho no proof of the latter one can only assume.

That said why would anyone try to compete against Nihilum? just join them and raid because thats all that there is to do, no pvp on this box.

i just wonder reading the forums how sad people have to be to exploit mechanics that were designed for children to beat? nevermind the fact that with 75 people you would be fighitng the same people over and over sirken the new amelinda????