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Old 01-26-2013, 12:20 AM
AexDestroy AexDestroy is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 486
Default Sorry for sponsoring such a douche nozzle. Here's to the victims of Erny.

Yo, my name is Must. If you know me, it's probably cuz I was helping you with some shit or just generally being a super fuckin cool dude on P99.

In my continued attempts to be a super cool dude, I had loaned off some of my excess accounts to a dude who was trying to make his way on P99. He plays by the name of Nukks, Human monk. He has been using a couple of my accounts, farming Jboots and some Seafuries and what not.

Well I started hearing whispers from folks that he was ripping people off on Jboots MQ's and low and behold I find my necro account is now banned for excessive faggotry and MQ2 (Im guessing because its really really super hard to track Hasten...)

Anyway, long story short, Im trying to be a boss and undo any faggotry I allowed by letting this dude use my accounts for the last bit.

Please feel free to holler at me if you have had any problems with the following characters:

Alexandre Smokeswell - High Elf Mage
Erny - Gnome Necro

Nukks is going to pretend to the community that he sold his account, this is simply not true. Please feel free to blackball him off the community. Such idiocy should simply not be tolerated.

P.S. Nukks - You're an idiot. I handed you an opportunity to be a cool dude and make your way on the server and you failed miserably. Please GTFO and find a new game.