Thread: Fish Bait
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Old 03-18-2013, 01:25 AM
Lemons Lemons is offline

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 239

current plan is this, if azrael and dentists and force cant get a merge together poppin, like wtf? how many weeks has it been and still no merger? anyways. if that doesn't happen backup plan is fish bait. no drama no bs, in my fishbait your all scum to be ordered around, i dont give a fuck about your opinion and i really couldnt care that u need help farming your alts tstaff.

1 guild leader me, 1 raid pve leader, and 1 raid pvp raid leader. just like it was on 2.0 fishbait, pve raid leader leads, pvp happens, everyone snaps to the PVP raid leaders commands. very fucking simple.

edit: right now im just tagging alts to see if we can reach 40ish people. this is a backup plan to azrael/dentists/force not being able to pull a merge off, tired of not having raid encounter pvp, have not seen it once since i been back, and been waiting for this merge to just happen.

2nd edit: if you cant play with certain people, this guild is not for you this is a zerg guild that has no fucks given about how you cant play with so and so. i know there are a ton of players right now that couldnt give a shit that so and so cant guild with so and so cause of this or that. join this guild, then try to pull that bullshit, your removed, i dont give a fuck if your our main tank or best geared cleric. your cut. no faggots aloud,
Last edited by Lemons; 03-18-2013 at 01:44 AM..