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Old 05-07-2013, 05:58 AM
Dolusmaxim123 Dolusmaxim123 is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 20
Default TMO Inside Scoop (Halok's Redemption)

I can only be called an idiot by an idiot so many times. Eccezan you are the idiot. You have a false sense of confidence for a fat nerd (I think your fat because you have a fat persons voice in vent) and you can't see further then your nose.
The different social classes in TMO are ridiculous. A lot of apps eat shit because there is no other option for end game. Most of them end up wasting their time and gearing up TMO alts. There's nothing anyone can do about it unless you want to take the next couple years off life and start your own guild. We all know TMO already has 90% of the skilled/active players on the server so that would be difficult. I wanted a guild that could use my time instead of waste it. I would be a tracking hog if I knew it wasn't in vein. I feel like I can't be in a guild that has an officer who constantly belittles his guildies. I can't contribute to this.

Eccezan you are so arrogant your disgusting. Get a fucking reality check. You suck too. I remember you whiping our group in HS with your noobsauce pet. You just tell people trivial shit all day long and you think because they did it, it's because of your so smart. "Be alert people" LOL fuck you buddy. Took your alert mind almost an hour to engage Druushk with no other guilds in sight. Our GRM's faded while you were busy making sure we were all alert and focused. "Keep in mind, whiners, drama queens, loot-whores, and people who take this game far too seriously need not apply". Are you describing yourself Eccezan? You are ALL of those things.

After 10 weeks of being an app and over 140dkp I feel degraded. My characters are bottlenecking in TMO. Soon I will have three 60's that need Trak BP's. At this point I'm sure it would be faster to farm the plat myself and buy them from you Eccezan. I have seen a few don bp's go to alts. One time to a player who did not even have an attending character... I have a 60 cleric main that goes to VP, a 60 war and a 52 naggy alt. Are you retarded? Why was I removed from the guild because I went inactive? Why am I an app again after becoming a full member?

This p99 experience has been fucking shit. Im so invested I'll prolly keep playing who knows.

I've been banned twice on p99 for nothing and suspended once for telling a gm he should stop drinking and unicorning people. I've been ripped off, trained and KS'd to the brim. TMO abuse is the icing on the cake. Every raiding guild available atm is a huge time wasting, butthurt, nightmare.

Eccezan has a contagious mind set of not understanding what the fuck is happening and blaming everyone else. Some of you have adopted it. The rest of you do an amazing job and it's very clear why TMO is the best.
I wish I could have gotten a god damn don bp after all this fucking shit man!!!! WTFing hell!!!!!

There's so much more I could say...The shitty thing is when I look around all I recognize are TMO names. I'm fucked on P99, I forfeit my endgame experience for real life pride and dignity. Fuck you!