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Old 05-29-2013, 08:51 PM
Duie Duie is offline

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Originally Posted by stonez138 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For what reason other then the right wing propaganda machine keeps saying so?

It's tragic but not shocking that Americans were killed in a lawless country that had it's government overthrown within a year of the attack. Not to mention that country was Libya, a country we've had terrible relations with since the 80's if not prior.
for no other reason than If the president "went to bed" as he claims to have done, then he did not do his job ........For only the president has the authority to call in the help that we now know was on an airfield 200 miles away, waiting for the green lite..

:Tinfoil Hat Alert:
IMO somewhere down the road , we are gonna find out that this government was running guns through that Embassy and a terrorist attack was just too good of a crisis to let go to waste.......

As far as Bush Jr... name anyone of those attack during his presidency(or any other president for that mater)where the military was told to stand down. We had the assets in place, We knew an attack was imminent and yet even when it was going on, Our Government did not respond to at least try to save those American lives . So yes, I find Benghazi a big deal and I would find it as such no mater who was in the whitehouse