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Old 06-14-2013, 04:01 AM
Rhuma7 Rhuma7 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 171

Originally Posted by tops419 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You 100% can buy as much platinum as you want on P1999 or any other game you choose to. It will just be an illicit transaction that starts a chain of events that really works to ruin the server and its economy. If purchased from the server and offset with sufficient ways to remove currency from the game, it does not have "such" a bad effect on the game.

I like to think of it like legalizing marijuana- People will do it anyway, by legalizing it, you reduce the burden on those that must regulate it, reduce the incentive to obtain it illicitly, and provide financial support to the system. Of course there are downsides, but in what situation aren't there?

Also, assuming you pay 10$ per 100k plat, what is that, like 1000$ for your 10 mil plat? How many people do you think would be willing to spend that much money for currency? Not enough to throw the economy into the disarray you mentioned.
The difference between marijuana and in-game store selling currency is the pot doesnt just magically appear out of thin fucking air.

This isn't even a discussion or theory. Games arent flocking to free2play with in-game shops because people dont spend money.

You give a retard an opportunity to get anything he wants for a credit card # and his ass is doing it. Already seen it happen on EMULATED SERVERS for christ sake.

Plus its not just a one time thing, $10 here, $50 next paycheck, $250 for little timmys birthday.

plusplus You cant retire buying Marijuana and trading it for a mansion in malibu for a months work at mcdonalds.
Last edited by Rhuma7; 06-14-2013 at 04:05 AM..