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Old 06-14-2013, 04:21 AM
tops419 tops419 is offline

Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 116

Originally Posted by Rhuma7 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The difference between marijuana and in-game store selling currency is the pot doesnt just magically appear out of thin fucking air.

This isn't even a discussion or theory. Games arent flocking to free2play with in-game shops because people dont spend money.

You give a retard an opportunity to get anything he wants for a credit card # and his ass is doing it. Already seen it happen on EMULATED SERVERS for christ sake.

Plus its not just a one time thing, $10 here, $50 next paycheck, $250 for little timmys birthday.

plusplus You cant retire buying Marijuana and trading it for a mansion in malibu for a months work at mcdonalds.
I understand your first point, but the others don't make sense to me. Of course people spend money, that was one of reasons I said I support the F2P model. Some people pay and those that don't still are given a place within a well-supported game and the population is increased.
No-Drop/attuneable/bind-on-equip items are a great way to negate the effects of inflation. I can't think of a single game that doesn't embrace this.

I do not understand your last sentence at all.