Thread: SK/Pal vs. Monk
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Old 04-04-2012, 06:09 AM
Claax Claax is offline

Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 39

Groz, it's so level dependent. The two of you at 30 are gonna be a lot different than the two of you at 60 IMO. I think we gotta look at this from an end game perspective. I've seen lvl 60 monks duel lvl 60 SK's. It was pretty cool, not sure about how their gear matched up which plays a big part in it. Of course, dueling is only one way of measuring power. I think a lot of these kinds of comparisons are ridiculous, but for me, I find this one most interesting. Two of my favorite classes and two of the most interesting classes for me. I'd like to see a 60 monk and 60 SK with their epics and comparative gear go toe to toe a few times. Anyone have direct experience with this?

SK's with their lifetapping abilities and AC, monks with their defensive and offensive abilities, pretty interesting.