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Old 01-01-2014, 03:20 PM
Durka Durka is offline

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 56
Default Incorrect definition of casuals

I think a lot of people who play this game excessively have started to define raid guilds as 'casuals' inappropriately.

About 13 years ago, I raided 3-4 days a week in the top guild on my server. That was considered hardcore back then. We had 30-40 online in kunark and 40-60 online in velious during primetimes.

I am now in a guild Taken, in which I log in to raid 3-6 times a week and actively raid / level / farm. I also have more alts than I did back then. I consider myself hardcore at this point - along with many of my guildmates. BDA & A-Team also log in just as much and they are on par with the 'hardcore' title.

Now, in my day, there were a select few who 'lived' in EQ and they didn't do much else in life. Those people were in my guild and they pretty much had everything there was to be had in the game. Well deserved because they put in their time and liked to craft / quest. Poopsocking did not exist on my server then.

Those excessive hardcores existed on many of the original live servers. Now that mentality is on P99 and those players call themselves hardcore. No, its not hardcore, its excessive hardcore. Taken / BDA / A-Team are hardcore players (I think all of these guilds have a few excessive hardcore players as well).

I just cannot stand by and watch these continual posts about 'casuals' pop up attacking our dedication & collective right to play the game. How often is it that a troublemaker on this server is a extreme/excessive player vs. a hardcore player? I guess you all know that answer.

So let's stop bashing real hardcore players, keep the server friendly and if you choose to play in excess it doesn't entitle you to everything. You are not more important than anyone else.