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Old 03-22-2011, 09:05 AM
Polixenes Polixenes is offline

Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 87

I remember when Kunark came out, I arrived on the boat at the statue of FV and had to turn my clipping plane down to practically zero. I hated Kunark, it seemed like every leaf on every tree was animated and the game was unplayable on my stone age equipment.

Until I realised I could just buy a new graphics card. Then I realised I didn't actually have to stare at the wall or the floor for every god/dragon fight to avoid disconnecting!

By the way, this is my first post I think - I joined a few days ago and I am absolutely loving reliving 1999! It took me 8 months to level my first character to 50 - I suspect I can beat that this time around.