Thread: Veeshan's Peak
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Old 10-21-2011, 07:57 PM
Brinkman Brinkman is offline

Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 395

Im am not in a raiding guild on P99 but I am very familiar with VP. I think simply randoming for the 6 mobs is a mistake.

Silverwing for example, would be nearly impossible to skip over if its not your dragon. Its possible to go around her, but all it takes is one person to agro mobs near her and everyone trying to skip past her would have to take a death because its not their dragon?

If it were my call, I would set it up like this:

Silverwing And Hoshkar = FFA ( which will ensure they are down at all times )

The other 4 should be randomed, however, being that Phara Dar is not targetable until all the other dragons are dead, the guild that owns Phara Dar should be allowed to kill the other dragons still alive 24 hours after the spawn.

I am also curious, is the tradeable gear going to drop?

Things like

It should not Drop as it was added in the May 14th 2003 patch that enabled gating.

Its not going to be possible to gate out of VP is it?, This should never be enabled on this server as it was added in the May 14, 2003 patch. The only way to leave should be the zone out portals near Xygoz, Nexona, Druushik and Phara Dar ( the "locked door" dragons )

One last thing, The biggest PITA about VP in its original pre-revamp state was the insanely fast respawn times of the roaming Guardian Worms ( 15 minutes ) Is it set this way?
Last edited by Brinkman; 10-21-2011 at 08:09 PM..