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Old 07-23-2017, 08:27 AM
Sonark Sonark is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 331

There's a very real kind of irony with the people that love the original EverQuest trilogy and love to talk about what's classic and what's not and what makes this game what and what doesn't

And at the end of the day they're all self-serving motherfuckers so it's like...k.

Basically they want their sandbox (which is the point of this server to my understanding, so they're not wrong to be here and to want it) and they only want disruptions if they are the ones either benefiting or causing those disruptions.

The outside kind are not the kind that are good.

It's like "I am part of the guild/poop sockers that ruin the high end (the only possible goal for anyone ever because that's literally the point) for everyone else, but godamn if I'm ever going to let the game change or evolve enough where I lose my firm grip on this thing that I don't actually control"

It's like a weird sort of substitute for actually having a life they enjoy. Which is relatable

Godamn these young doctors, is what I'm saying.