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Old 07-11-2017, 08:25 AM
MilanderTruewield MilanderTruewield is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 486


How is this thread on the second page?!

BUMP for this uncharacteristically well-named guild full of funny fellows!

We even have a SERVER HERO! Although he's the size of a pint of ice cream, he comes with lightsabers. /cheer Filbus!
Camien Ta`Mire - Dekayd Ta`Mire - Midrange Ta`Mire - Shamscale Spiritguide - Widdal Wranger - Milander Truewield - Docturr Greenthumb
Mukal Ta`Mire - Phirebolt Phizzlespell - Kakul Ta`Mire - Xuji Jexlu - Bramven Ta`Mire - Airie Pottuh - Kandavil Ta`Mire
Kittens Who Say Meow