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Old 10-17-2015, 01:19 AM
fandAONgo fandAONgo is offline

Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: ridin' round norrath in my AON
Posts: 189

Only landed a couple bow shots during the joust, not my fault you decided to give up at 20% and run around the outpost while I bowed you down a full 20% to your death. You coulda won with one backstab when we were both at 20, why give up?

Especially when you know how accurate and deadly I am with my bow?

the poor druid filming the video died at the last twenty seconds of the fight because he tried to film as ragnaros fled throughout the city and died to mobs, was cruel how you laughed in teamspeak about his death too, i'll go ahead and get him a rez. you obviously don't care who you hurt.