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Old 07-25-2013, 09:11 PM
Dermis Dermis is offline

Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 50

The wipe is known to be something that won't happen. I wish people could just let it go already. Hell, I think there's a better chance of a complete shutdown than a wipe. No, this doesn't mean I think there's a chance of a shutdown.

I'm rooting for a new server, but I don't want it until a year or two after Velious. Iron out that expansion first. Follow the timeline.

The ONLY thing I'll say about a wipe (that will never happen, remember) is this: Of course upper level players think it's newbs that want it. That's the expected reaction. I assure you, it isn't only them. Everyone I know who wasn't here at the very beginning wish they were. It's more about that than anything else. It's a different experience than playing later on in the server's life, regardless of any gear, plat, or levels you have. That's why a lot of people tried the Sleeper. Not because they didn't love p99, but because they wanted that chance. Now, fortunately for the population here.. the Sleeper was a pile of crap, and (nearly) everyone came back. No matter where I am game-wise I would gladly start over just to be on a server from the start. Not for guises or fireport binding or any other reason than to experience that stage of a server's existence.