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Old 02-15-2014, 04:08 PM
Grizzled Grizzled is offline

Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 178

9) planes v.2- epic style quests could be done to open up the PoP planes. Kind of like a flagging system. Sony had a good idea with the flagging system.

10) Character reset-I like the idea of having my main character who is all geared up with nothing to do.. to be able to keep his gear and reset to level 1. the benefit could be gaining additional base statistic points, for example. but at the same time incurring an additional exp penalty. It could be done multiple times and incurring more and more penalty. man the status symbol of an iksar,or troll sk who is on tier 5 of this... I myself do not really care for alts, but thats just me. But at the same time leveling and grouping is a very important aspect to everquest, one that really is lost on the high end.