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Old 08-24-2013, 08:28 AM
astuce999 astuce999 is offline

Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Québec
Posts: 490

Good 9 – Good 8- Good 7 – Neutral6 – Neutral 5 – Neutral4 – Evil 3 – Evil 2 – Evil 1

I always thought that alignment restrictions would be a good part of the game. I had started something that I wanted to put in my dream EQ server, but ended up scratching it last minute so as to get feedback mainly on class balance.
I thought about removing class and race XP penalties, and instead focus on group make ups with alignment as the main factor for xp bonus or penalties.
The way I had thought it should work, was that there were 3 levels of each alignment, and that groups would be limited to 3 hops on some level. So a High Elf Cleric who worships Tunare would be a level 3 good, and would only be allowed in a group with a level 2 good, level 1 good or level 3 neutral to get a specific group xp bonus. If a group found a way to get even less hops between alignments, the bonus would grow. If there were more than 3 hops, then an XP penalty would start to take effect. So that same cleric would hate grouping with a troll shaman because it would kill her xp, and instead would love to have a wood elf ranger because it would give her a bonus. That same troll shaman would find an ogre warrior a highly compatible road companion.
This way, instead of min/max’ing because of class penalties like people do now, they would do it in a way that makes more sense lore-wise, and it wouldn’t always be the same classes that would be shun. Also, by only affecting the xp rate of a group, and not prohibiting completely the type of group make-up, it still lets raids happen in a conventional sense without the huge logistic’s headache of grouping only certain alignments.
I hope you see it as a constructive comment to the work you put in in thinking of your server, and for reference, the server I had thought of was posted here:
Astuce Subterfuge
Last edited by astuce999; 08-24-2013 at 08:30 AM..