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Old 09-18-2015, 10:52 PM
Oleris Oleris is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Anaheim ด้้้้้็็็็็้้
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RECAP: Some stuff might change

Classic only (no kunark/velious/planes).

full character loot including no trade.

anon/role will be on for health of the server.

300-500% xp bonus.

no beastlords/iksars.

top 5-6 win. free title and maybe a couple winners get free xfer with full items. Will check items so no 10x manastones etc will be transferred.

no level cap on player kill.

training is allowed

no cheats allowed

minimal csr support

maybe random load in spots for new characters.

maybe disable pvp until level 2.

unsure if disabling guards to assist when players attack players nearby.

hybrid xp penalty will be in since classic era.

might disable grp xp bonus to prevent from too much teaming.

no global OOC

zone name on/level when person dies.

hoping for October release

legacy drops in

no safe zones
<Aftermath> Oleris- 60 epic necro, Olerris- 60 epic monk. Songerino 60 epic Bard

Halloween 2015 event:

PL service