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Old 08-12-2017, 04:22 AM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

Join Date: Apr 2013
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So I've been thinking about North Korea a lot ever since I said Trump would invade Iran or N. Korea (shortly after his inauguration). What do you guys think? Is it possible that Trump is a lucky son of a bitch that has a good war to fight?

This assumes that China can somehow be weathered or dealt with. But someday the sick North Korean regime needs to be overthrown -- And I don't think China has the heart to spend their money on it. It would probably take a bold careless ass like Trump to do it too.

Or do people here think that it would be horrible to use our big bad ass military to overthrow the only totalitarian Stalinist regime left?

Nice quick superficial article on N. Korea options:

The article, if read correctly, shows why N. Korea was correct to build up their military as big as possible. It also demonstrates why having nuclear bombs would be advantages from a North Korean defensive perspective. It is the only thing that deters us from overthrowing the regime at minimal cost (in the context of hugely expensive wars costs...).

If N. Korea is allowed to get a modernized nuclear arsenal -- we will never be able to overthrow that regime and reunite the Koreans. There is also a possibility of a Hitler like antagonist arising from the country one day.
Last edited by JurisDictum; 08-12-2017 at 04:29 AM..