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Old 06-18-2017, 01:46 PM
NachtMystium NachtMystium is offline

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Originally Posted by Lune [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Over the last decade or two in education, one of the initiation rites to being "educated" is where they teach you all the hypocrisies and injustices of our society. The goal of this is to make you critical of political rhetoric and the status quo, and able to think for yourself. The problem came when post-secondary education became 1) a rite of passage for all young people and 2) it became a massive business, an entire industrial sector.

Instead of the high-performers going to college, now everyone's going to college, including literal retards. This trickles back down into high school where more and more people are taking AP and IB coursework to prepare/compete for college, and they get you started there early (In AP Euro and AP US I was shown slideshows of mounds of holocaust victims and lynchings of Southern blacks in Clockwork Orange type reform sessions.

Then you get to university and during your general ed (or your entire major if you're liberal arts, which many of the most low-achieving and impressionable are), you take things like anthropology, where concepts like multiculturalism are in vogue. There they preach that one culture is just as valid as any other, and that any time you "judge" another culture, you're doing it through the lens of your own, and your judgment is invalid. Any appreciation you had for your own culture and history they try to dismantle by giving you reasons why European civilization was a "miracle" or fluke, various reasons they didn't really earn it, and that Islamic and Eastern civilizations were superior at different times.

Now there is some truth to all of this but the problem is it's not often accompanied by actual critical thinking and analysis, which was the goal of the entire thing. They don't give you the facts and observations and let you come to the conclusions on your own, guiding you to make sure they are reasonable. They have expectations at the end of their course for which thoughts and opinions you should have demonstrated and you are assessed depending on whether you "learned" them or not. And it had to be this way because it all goes back to them letting too many dumbasses into college, and they couldn't handle it the way it is supposed to be done.

What's worse, these were my own observations from a pretty good university which was relatively conservative and science-focused, and wasn't a terrible offender at these things, and it was just on the cusp of when this stuff started getting bad. I can only imagine what it's like now at these overflow-schools and liberal arts colleges.

TL;DR - Most of those students probably shouldn't even be in college.

Couldn't agree more about the college as a business, good thing I grew up poor and went to work instead of school after high school. I make way more than any of my surrounding acquaintances who went to college plus I don't have that shitty debt Hahahhahahaha, feels good ridin this white privilege train baby