Thread: Next Patch?
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:07 PM
Grimmly Fireforge Grimmly Fireforge is offline

Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 182

The weapon-skill bug IS crippling, especially at the lower-levels. My Monk has used nothing but 1HB weapons and I grinded to level 8. My 1HB skill is 13. All my other skills like Dual Wield are something like 50 if I recall correctly. I'm sorry, but that's not classic. And nor was it ever like that on this server until now. That's a bug. A game-breaking bug that makes people not want to play this server ever.

"It's their server so shut up" is all well and good but the problem has already been fixed by Kanras a month ago it just needs a patch by Rogean to implement it. I waited a month to make this thread.