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Old 05-25-2014, 01:50 AM
williestargell williestargell is offline

Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 356

Taken was also present. We submitted a petition and logs in support. We agree with the IB position that FTE by a non-tagged alt is BS. The puller then was guild tagged mid-pull, died, and there's no way to know who might have gotten FTE after in such a situation. We felt at the time that it was a "trap" intended to get others in trouble.

Taken agrees that TMO should be excluded from this loot. Taken and IB are in agreement as to what disposition of the loot should be. (currently the loot is in IB's hands but we will split when a transfer is available, as one of their groups got the exp and looted)
Fingon, 60 Druid, <Taken>