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Old 01-25-2022, 05:07 PM
MasterCS MasterCS is offline

Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 320

Yes, Yendor did help me and I have experienced less issues than before, but I was still having some intermittent troubles. They would not last nearly as long as before, but I would still have the issue. Last night I played through a VPN and didn’t have any issues at all. It was the first night I tried this, so I don’t have a large data set to base an opinion on. With that said, my issues were also occurring during peak times. With the increase of population since the beginning of the year (Green approx 1k at peak, blue approx 900 at peak), could it just be a P99 server issue? I’m not super tech savvy, but is there such a thing as the server IP prioritization? Why would connecting through a VPN first seem to help? I’m genuinely curious. It just seems odd that a lot of people started having the same/similar issue all of a sudden. I know most have AT&T, but I do not, and I’m sure others do not as well.
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