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Old 10-04-2013, 05:46 PM
NegaStoat NegaStoat is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 780

An excellent guide. Read it all. Only modification I'd make that comes to mind would be the initial leveling suggestions. If the player was to make Gfay based Druid or a Halfling druid, I would recommend that the player move to the front of Kaladim for levels 1-5. If the Halfling has to make a brave run and do some mob dodging to the Docks at Freeport to do this, so be it.

The reason - The front of Kaladim on this realm is flippin' thick with goblin whelps but especially decaying dwarf skeletons. Tons of them. If the player is willing to focus on these, rounding them up in packs even and beating them down, they will reach level 5 in a pretty quick manner. Most importantly, they will collect upwards of 11-12 full stacks of bone chips in this time.

These can be turned in to Gunlok Jure in the Kaladim Paladin's guild for extremely rapid level gains... for a halfling, 10 stacks takes you from lvl 5 to lvl 8 - meaning you just got Meditate with an absolute minimum of pain and torment in reaching it.