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Old 08-06-2013, 06:10 PM
a_gnoll_pup a_gnoll_pup is offline

Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 230

First up, thanks for working on this. At least I am not the only one who is a complete masochist when it comes to wanting classic windows.

- The effects button on the right hand side cannot be placed there properly without rendering the rest of the UI useless due to interface pieces not having the functionality to allow the user to click "through" transparent portions of the UI to click on the viewport. The bar on the left next to the spell bar is essentially the bar that pops up when you press alt+w, thus I'm sure you can understand why the "Effects"/buff button needs to be placed in that area like I'm demonstrating in my screenshot. Ultimately that's probably what's going to happen, but I feel that the thoughts of those who would be using it could help be beneficial.
I believe P99 has the ability to add custom windows on a per-need basis so it may be possible (via the injected DLL) to add in window elements that you would need. Your best bet would be using something like MQ2 (NOT ON P99 WITH THE DLL OF COURSE, YOU WILL BE BANNED) to test adding a new window similar to what MQ2 does with a button for effects, then submitting the MQ2 plugin to nilbog/rogean/kanras for review to add the window to the client. You'd want to just add a window that: 1) has a button that says effects and 2) loads from the UI folder and can be made transparent for standard UI use. MQ2 has the capability to add windows like this.
- The class icon on the front of the interface cannot be displayed (to my knowledge) without first opening the inventory because of the fact that it requires access to the class name to properly display that image. When in the inventory, you don't even see the what should I place there as an alternative to help fill in the interface? I'd assume you'd not want it to stay bugged as it is even though it's such a minor cosmetic issue.
You should be able to display that icon on any client window, it's simply a function or two that you'd need to hook to display it regardless of window state. (and possibly on another, static window as mentioned above).

- The persona area (front view image of player) to my knowledge also cannot be displayed, as I'd assume this is something EQ originally did using multiple rendering viewports back when that UI was the only interface available. I'm pretty sure that this cannot be accomplished via scripting and although I won't be able to render that, I'll still be able to replicate that area with a static image to fill in that portion of the UI and allow for click drag and drop equipping/inventory fill as it should.
Today 05:24 AM
This has been broken (internally, via SOE) since the DirectX 8 update of 2001(ish). God help you.
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