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Old 02-18-2012, 10:47 PM
IronLikeALionInZion IronLikeALionInZion is offline

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 288

dispels class argument i was a rogue and mostly grieved casters, chellsea (enchanter) porter (druid) darksingin (bard).

hate blue, hate mmo communities, Love red, love grief.

People who play blue do so because they want friends and a sense of accomplishment in a digital enviorment because they cant achieve it IRL.

People like me who play red do so, so we can cause grief to people with that kind of mindset.

Haterzzz gonna hate.
lovers gonna love.
i dont even want.
none of the above.
i want to pvp you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i dooo....
grieffff you....