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Old 06-09-2013, 01:54 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Ruins of Old Paineel
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Good to see the thread is still going.

In case you're just tuning in.

- Harrison has hitched his cart to the ban Nizzar wagon, not surprising but at least there's evidence in this claim and it's recent enough (Retti fairly recently banned in the grand scheme)
- An anonymous forum account, another big "no surprise", has come out to defend Nizzar who is completely and obviously guilty of working with Tune to strip a char
- Retti and Northwest remained banned for the same crime while Nizzar walks free
- Demands of fair treatment are being made to Sirken, which we expect him to fulfill
- My thread got closed for implying that not giving fair treatment is a sign of corruption, especially when it comes to a certain individual

Slam away at the keyboard all you want anon morons. The crime is black and white. We'll cast judgement after we see what comes of it.