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Old 01-11-2011, 12:44 PM
Jannemaroo Jannemaroo is offline

Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 15

We applied for an ip exemption on the 31st, and figured it was the holidays so it would take some time. But DetroitVelvetSmooth is right, it does not say on the section where you apply for the exemption that they do it in batches and can take weeks to happen. This is why these threads pop up all the time; when you are used to duoing as a husband/wife team (or whatever the makeup) it sucks to discover you cannot log in together right away.

I understand the reason behind needing IP exemption, but I had no clue it can take weeks until I read it in another thread myself. For the time being we have two types of Internet, so we can log in together, but it is a pricy option that us only available to us for a short time; hopefully our exemption will be in place before we have to return the other form of net to my friend. And no, we cannot syphon Internet from the neighbors.

Maybe in the help instructions for setting up eq for play on 1999, where it mentions at the bottom that you need an IP exemption to have more than one in the household play, it could mention that this is a batch process that can take weeks to go through. That way from the get-go, couples will be aware that this process will take time.

The only way our house plays mmorpg's is together or not at all. There's no way we could have one of us playing here while the other watches; we happen to be lucky to have the second ISP for now, because we have truly enjoyed being here so far, and are glad this exists.

I know it has to be irritating to the people who have been here for a long time to see these threads pop up repeatedly, but truly it's just that people are excited to have found this server, and all it says is apply for an exemption without mention that it can take so long until you dig for it.