Thread: Couples Guild?
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:02 AM
wimble wimble is offline

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Default Catering to couples

The recent glib comments about swinging actually raise a question relating to the original inquiry. What does "cater to this style of play" mean?

My wife and I enjoy playing extremely casual EQ just as a way to hang out together with some common objectives and shared trials, but her agoraphobia extends even unto the online "marketplace", so grouping with another couple would be unnerving to her.

Swinging would mean what? Usually I duo with my wife, but for this evening I duo with the wife (or husband) from another couple in my guild? Weird.

Or what about a three-way? My husband has to work late at the physical office, do I use guildies to join another couple for a few hours?

Actually, that last model might be workable. Okay, I think I have an answer. Thanks for the question.