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Old 04-19-2011, 03:37 PM
FatMagic FatMagic is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Buffalo, NY
Posts: 410

Just from my experience of being the in same boat Nokio.. I play a Monk, but only get 30 mins or so to play... and the leveling is dreadfully slow, and I have "decent" gear (two enameled black maces, HP items, AC items, etc). I can only kill a few things, use Mend, and then log off.. it's just super slow. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my Monk, definitely my favorite character to play and level! But a group is far more efficient for a monk, or bothering a 40+ druid/shaman/mag for a buff or two to help you solo.

A necro, bard or mage would serve you better for that short amount of time I would imagine. Just reading this makes me want to start up a mage because I haven't leveled barely at all on my Monk (i'm like level 16)... ah well.