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Old 04-28-2012, 03:01 PM
Lazortag Lazortag is offline
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Originally Posted by quido [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Lazortag claims we couldn't reproduce a shaman soloing a cliff golem now because the extra tick of torpor we got half the time is gone. Lazortag, you are an idiot if you really believe Bossco soloed that cliff golem all the way down.
That's not what I said at all - I offered it as a possible explanation but said I wasn't really sure because I've never played a shaman. All I know is that I saw bossco solo a cliff golem until it died (while Adriana was playing on it). At the time it seemed like a simple task but then again Adriana is a really good player. I don't get why you and seaweed have to resort to strawmanning and insulting me because I challenged your opinion about an online game. Grow up.
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