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Old 10-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Rust1d? Rust1d? is offline

Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 890

This pvp server will start fine but will end up bad if the players act like a bunch of fucking retards. Players need to:

1) Not hack/cheat - There is no reason to hack/cheat on a 13 year old games emulated pvp server. This is the main reason why servers fail.

2) Stop whining - if your guild got shit napped by another in fear, live with it and go do something else. No reason to have a 4 hour shit storm involving GM's who could be better servered helping people with legit problems.

3) Stop griefing - If you kill someone, say GF and move on. I cannot tell you how good it was to have a very close 1v1 fight with someone, win and end up being friends. I did not corpse camp him, I did not /tell him how much he sucked. I said, GF, you can come get your body.

4) If you die, deal with it - It is a pvp server, you die LEGIT - deal with it. If you suspect hacks, report it to a GM and have them look into it.

5) No training - Accidents happen, that is understandabe. But repeated trains (see sojourner in K&B) is completely retarded. Go do something else if you cannot win legit.

There are probably more but these are the basics. If the players just followed these steps, the server could be great. If not, it will be complete shit in a matter of months.