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Old 05-01-2013, 10:46 AM
Ephirith Ephirith is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Korova Milk Bar
Posts: 561

This guy started about the time I started over, and at first he was just flipping cheap items. I made some money flipping items too, but I was also leveling, for about a week he was doing the same kind of items I was.

Fast forward about a month and this guy had a Blood Ember BP, Hand of the Reaper, Shiny Robe of the Underfoot, and over 100,000pp worth of stuff to sell.

In itself that's not incriminating nor does it even imply guilt... it's a well-known way to make money. I don't know why tunnel rats bother me because they aren't really doing anything wrong... but I just don't like them. I felt the same way about richgirl.