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Old 08-16-2021, 12:45 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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Originally Posted by Gwaihir [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Rhetorical analysis of "Cast Away" written, directed, and acted by Tom Hanks:

Its about hanx allegedly sacrificing his son Johnny Wilson (to wife Rita wilson) when the kid was 4 years old as part of his initiation.

after hanks has been in the island the movie cuts to 4 years later (which would be when real jonny Wilson was 4)

The trauma was so much for hanks having to sacrifice his son that he made the movie to act away his grief.

Wilson the volleyball is made hanx own blood. The island could signify Epsteins island where this might have taken place.

In the end of the movie he says sorry when he lets Wilson go and Wilson is never spoken of again dispite Wilson playing a major role in the movie up to that point.

After he gets back and has a party his handler says 2 or 3 times that we are going to bring you back to life tomorrow. Being fully initiated is like a re-birth

To make this ultimate sacrifice they have to give up the thing they love the most. Unfortunately for us it wasnt the douche Chet that hanx loved the most but it was one of chets younger brother twins.

Also the movie is not called castaway. Which means to be ship wrecked. Its called cast away, with a space. Which means to rid yourself of something.
Tru tru
Originally Posted by vegam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
How many of you sweaty nerds actually been to Afghanistan?

I found the Afghans to be hopelessly corrupt, lazy, and unwilling to go on missions with us to fight the Taliban. One mission, they ran back to base and left us in the shit by ourselves to fight the Taliban.

The country is tribal, where warlords have the power. It's been that way for a long time. To install a Madisonian Democracy in this country is a fool's errand.

Watching the Taliban roll up the whole fucking country in two weeks is a damning indictment of Bush doctrine of "spreading freedom and democracy" around the world. It's also goes to show that our government has been swindled by the Military Industrial Complex and lying General Officers who for years been telling Congress that we have been making progress in Afghanistan.

I don't agree with Biden on anything, but kudos to him for ending this shit show.

The Afghans deserve the Taliban.
Originally Posted by Jibartik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
so we should let the afgans die...

and the grandmas...

wtf is wrong with these people lol its so obvious which side satan is on lol

(btw "these people" are followers of the BEAST those that have taken the MARK worshiping borders politics and men.)
U can't force ppl to be free with force lol.

They're basically dead, human shields, the true definition of chattel, the buffer between asia minor and major.

If u want to teach those ppl freedom u have to teach them horrific violence, total war, indoctrination to tru tyranny on a level u cannot even personally grasp anymore

U are unable and tbqvfh, unwilling I quite imagine.

Your sentiment and principle is correct. Your expectations and desires could not be any more 180 from reality.

They need enlightenment. And with enlightenment comes death and suffering of that brave new world. They are happy when it's just them.

If you where to successfully enlighten them. They'd kill us all to the last man woman and child as infedels. And rightly so.

That's a sacrifice which would destroy both cultures in order to bring about a new one.

Originally Posted by Nirgon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Go ask Ilhan Omar about it. She's the one who said it. Am I not the only one who can post things he says selectively and without context?

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Modern liberalism lol

Petition more before I red pill this entire fuckin board dawg
U R a pedo man if ur bringing up Sansa from Got as some kinda beauty standards.
Originally Posted by Thorgrimm [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Gotta get that blacksight dark money funding some how.



Thread died on page2 after I posted

Yall are a bundle of sticks competing in the special Olympics of political and cultural identity.